Thursday Individual Stroke Play Tournaments
You may sign up & pay at the start of our current league to get a 20% discount or for each individual event at full price.
Place/day: Envision Golf every Thursday
Current league duration: Jan 19th - March 2nd 2023 (7 weeks/events)
Time: Warm up from 5:30pm, Tee off 6:00pm
Sign up deadline: 24 hrs. prior to the competition (Wednesday by 6:00pm)
Sign up at: or call us at (503) 388 - 9770
Format: 18 hole individual stroke play with handicap
Cost & Prizes: $40/person. $10 goes to the pot of which the 1st place player (with hcp) and best gross each get 40% of the pot. 2nd place (with hcp) gets the remaining 20%. Additionally, Envision golf puts $5/player into the pot (ex. 20 players = $100). So on a night with 20 players 1st place and best gross each get $120 and 2nd place (with hcp) gets $60. We are able to host a maximum of 60 players/event. At the end of the league the top 3 individuals will receive trophies & prizes.
Handicap rules: All players must provide either their USGA GHIN number or provide other proof of handicap. If you don't have either of these you must get an Envision Golf handicap by playing 18 holes supervised by our PGA Pro (no add. cost for pro). To schedule a time email Ignacio at Even if you didn't get a chance to establish a handicap don't let that discourage you from signing up, Ignacio will work with you to set one up.
Points system: The same points system used on the PGA Tour is used to keep track of overall league standings.
We follow USGA rules and recommendations in all events.